Take a lesson from the ants, you lazybones. Learn from their ways and become wise! Though they have no prince or governor or ruler to make them work, they labor hard all summer, gathering food for the winter. Proverbs 6: 6-8 - NLT
As we get into the summer months, this is a good time to take a lesson from the ants. The ants do not take vacations in summer or use the summer as “downtime.” Rather, they use the summer season to prepare for winter. Of course, there is nothing wrong with taking a break or going on vacation, but during these summer months, I am personally challenging myself to prepare for what lies ahead. For those of us on an academic schedule, the summer months are a type of transition. Even if we are taking summer classes, have an internship, or are working, the summer months represent a shift from one school year to the next. Summer also happens to fall right in the middle of the calendar year. These pivotal points can serve as a time for us to take stock of the progress we have made the first 6 months of the calendar year while also preparing for the new school year.

For example, what habits and goals did you set at the beginning of the year that you have achieved? Which ones are you still working on? Which ones do you need to accomplish but they have fallen by the wayside? Now is a good time to pick them up again and cultivate good habits before the new school year begins. This includes practical habits such as keeping (or starting) a good sleeping schedule, drinking more water, exercising, and developing solid study habits.
Two daily habits that are essential to preparing for what lies ahead are daily prayer and bible study. As industrious women, it is important that we prioritize time with Jesus before our day gets off to a busy start. Or, maybe you have a lot of free time this summer and find yourself being unproductive. When we spend time with the Lord, He can help us maximize our day. If daily prayer and bible study is a habit you need to develop, here are a few suggestions.
Trade checking social media in the morning with reading one chapter of Proverbs a day. There are 31 chapters in Proverbs, one for each day of the month.
Download the Bible app by YouV ersion. This app contains hundreds of bible reading plans and devotions to help you cultivate the daily habit of bible reading.
After reading the bible, talk the Lord about what you read. Ask Him for understanding and to help you apply what you have read to your day.
No matter what your summer looks like, take time to prepare for what’s next. Consider the wisdom of the ants and use the summer as a season of preparation. Prioritize spending time with the Lord so whatever your next season brings, you are prepared – mind, body, and soul.
Niomi Henry